2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Who is Jesus for us? John calls Jesus the Lamb of God and thus signifies Jesus' mission as the One who redeems us from our sins. The blood of the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12) delivered the Israelites from their oppression in Egypt and from the plague of death. The Lord Jesus freely offered up his life for us on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 Corinthians 5:7). The blood which he poured out for us on the cross cleanses, heals, and frees us from our slavery to sin, and from the "wages of sin which is death" (Romans 6:23) and the "destruction of both body and soul in hell" (Matthew 10:28).
It is significant that John was the son of the priest, Zachariah, who participated in the daily sacrifice of a lamb in the temple for the sins of the people (Exodus 29). In Jesus, John saw the true and only sacrifice which could deliver us from the bondage of sin, death, and the powers of hell. How did John know the true identity of Jesus, as the Son of God and Savior of the world (John 1:29)? The Holy Spirit revealed to John Jesus' true nature in such a way that John bore witness that this is the Son of God. How can we be certain that Jesus is truly the Christ, the Son of the living God? The Holy Spirit makes the Lord Jesus Christ known to us through the gift of faith. God gives us freely of his Spirit that we may comprehend - with enlightened minds and eyes of faith - the great mystery and plan of God to unite all things in his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit that I may grow in the knowledge of your great love and truth. Let your Spirit be aflame in my heart that I may joyfully seek to do your will in all things.
Have a Blessed and Joyful Week
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Who is Jesus for us? John calls Jesus the Lamb of God and thus signifies Jesus' mission as the One who redeems us from our sins. The blood of the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12) delivered the Israelites from their oppression in Egypt and from the plague of death. The Lord Jesus freely offered up his life for us on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 Corinthians 5:7). The blood which he poured out for us on the cross cleanses, heals, and frees us from our slavery to sin, and from the "wages of sin which is death" (Romans 6:23) and the "destruction of both body and soul in hell" (Matthew 10:28).
It is significant that John was the son of the priest, Zachariah, who participated in the daily sacrifice of a lamb in the temple for the sins of the people (Exodus 29). In Jesus, John saw the true and only sacrifice which could deliver us from the bondage of sin, death, and the powers of hell. How did John know the true identity of Jesus, as the Son of God and Savior of the world (John 1:29)? The Holy Spirit revealed to John Jesus' true nature in such a way that John bore witness that this is the Son of God. How can we be certain that Jesus is truly the Christ, the Son of the living God? The Holy Spirit makes the Lord Jesus Christ known to us through the gift of faith. God gives us freely of his Spirit that we may comprehend - with enlightened minds and eyes of faith - the great mystery and plan of God to unite all things in his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit that I may grow in the knowledge of your great love and truth. Let your Spirit be aflame in my heart that I may joyfully seek to do your will in all things.

Have a Blessed and Joyful Week

Our Lady Of Grace Romney

Next week’s readings:
Job 38: 1, 8-11;
Psalm 107: 23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31; 2 Corinthians 5: 14-17;
Mark 4: 35-41

RCIA 2014
We will be beginning our RCIA 2014 on the 24th of September, Wednesday, at 6:30pm. We have a few who have inquired about becoming Catholics. We hope to have many more who would like to be Catholics to join us in the classes. If you are not a catholic and would like to become one, please let Father Joseph know, we will get you in. If you know of anyone who has a desire to be a Catholic, it’s a great occasion, please let them know. Also, if you are a catholic who is coming back to the church after a long time or who would like to learn more about your faith and teachings, please join us in the class on the 24th of September. And finally it’s a class open to all of you, join us to enrich the faith we have by sharing it with others.
Thank you. Fr. Joseph M. Augustine